You Might Be a Child of the 80s if...

...your favorite party game is Hungry Hungry Hippos... liked Tom Hanks better when he was a crossdresser... know which Hollywood Square Jm J Bullock was in... practice getting in and out of your car through the windows... have the tendency to turn up the collar of your polo shirts... know what the "P" in "Alex P. Keaton" stands for... keep asking your teachers if instead of the quiz you can take the physical challenge... can name all of the Thundercats... got a hankerin' for a hunk of cheese... know that Mr. Steele functions best in an advisory capacity... still use your hair crimper before going out on a hot date... hatch plots to break Murdock out of VA hospital... know who shot J.R....

...this rings a bell: "and my name, is Charlie. They work for me."... thought UTFOs "Roxanne, Roxanne" song was the bomb... remember when Saturday Night Live was funny... had Wonder Woman or Superman underoos... know what a "Push Up" ice cream is... wore like 8 pairs of socks at once, scrunched down... remember boom boxes instead of CD players...'ve ever rideen a Pogo ball... remember watching both "Gremlins" movies... watched Alf and thought Doogie Howser was hot...

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The Worlds Sexiest Men Fritters' Freakazoid Gallery Bill Pullman, Worlds Sexiest Man You Might Be A Child Of The Eighties If.... Bruce Campbell, Very Sexy Guy The Adventures of Stick Couple Angus Mac Faden, Sexy Guy Fritters Yui Toshiki Gallery Fritters Sailor Moon Indulgence The House of EEEEE-vil!!! The Los Angeles Mental Relaxorium Send Mail to Fritters