...Excerpted from http://www.geocities.com/EnchantedForest/Glade/4721/
with permission from UncleBob.
"We are the children of the Eighties. We are not the first "lost
generation" nor today's lost generation; in fact, we think we know just
where we stand - or are discovering it as we speak.
We are the ones who played with Lego Building Blocks when they were just
building blocks and gave Malibu Barbie crewcuts with safety scissors
that never really cut. We collected Garbage Pail Kids and Cabbage Patch
Kids and My Little Ponies and Hot Wheels and He-Man action figures and
thought She-Ra looked just a little bit like I would when I was a woman.
Big Wheels and bicycles with streamers were the way to go, and sidewalk
chalk was all you needed to build a city. Imagination was the key. It
made the Ewok Treehouse big enough for you to play in. With your pink
portable tape player, Debbie Gibson sang back up to you and everyone
wanted a skirt like the Material Girl and a glove like Michael
Jackson's. Today, we are the ones who sing along with Bruce Springsteen
and the Bangles perfectly and have no idea why. We recite lines with
the Ghostbusters and still look to the Goonies for a great adventure.
We flip through T.V. stations and stop at the A-Team and Punky Brewster
and "What you talkin' 'bout Willis?" We hold strong affections for The
Muppets and The Gummy Bears and why did they take the Smurfs off the
air? After school specials were only about cigarettes and step-families,
the Pokka Dot Door was nothing like Barney, and aren't the Power Rangers
just Voltron reincarnated?
We are the ones who still read Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys, the
Bobbsey Twins, Beverly Clearly and Judy Blume, Richard Scarry and the
Electric Company. Friendship bracelets were ties you couldn't break and
friendship pins went on shoes - preferably hightopVelcro Reeboks - and
pegged jeans were in, as were Units belts and layered socks and jean
jackets and jams and charm bracelets and side pony tails and just tails.
Rave was a girl's best friend; braces with colored rubberbands made you
cool. The backdoor was always open and Mom served only red Kool-Aid to
the neighborhood kids - never drank New Coke.
Entertainment was cheap and lasted for hours. All you needed to be was a
princess with high heels and an apron; Sit 'n' Spin always made you
dizzy but never made you stop; Pogoballs were dangerous weapons and
Chinese Jump Ropes never failed to trip someone. In your Underoos, you
were Wonder Woman or Spiderman or R2D2 and in your treehouse you were
In the Eighties, nothing was wrong. Did you know the president was shot?
Star Wars was not a movie. Did you ever play in a bomb shelter? Did you
see the Challenger explode or feed the homeless man down the street? We
forgot Vietnam and watched Tiananman's Square on CNN and bought pieces
of the Berlin wall at the store. AIDS was not the number one killer in
the United States. We didn't start the fire, Billy Joel. In the
Eighties, we re-definied the American Dream, and those years re-defined
us. We are the generation inbetween strife and facing strife and not
burning our backs. The eighties may have made us idealistic, but it is
not idealism that will push us to be passed on to our children - the
first children of the twenty-first century. Never forget we are the
children of the Eighties!!"