Inside the Pirates Exhibit! Where they were hiding all the air conditioning!!
Inside the deep caves lay... animatronic parrots! I'm sure it said something either deeply historical or bone chilling, but as it was all in Spanish I couldn't swear to either. Note the little hat.
Artificial Booty shone in every corner.
Dead men tell no tales!
..but if they did, it would probably be something about how his cousin in Anaheim gets much higher pay from the Disney company. I enjoyed it, but Karen was a bit let down at how uneducational/historical it was. I was amused at how it seemed like the result of Imagineer-Wannabes. I found the whole pirate display areas amusing, slightly sad, cute and earnest beyond all belief. Check out these guys.
You gotta love the beard and the plastic hook. You just gotta.
Where have I seen that logo before? It reminds me of a popular movie... hmmm...
Next inside were the aquariums! We spent a lot of time looking at (and photographing) all the awesome fish. Here's a shot Michelle got of a blowfish, I think it is.
We really liked this guy, and he seemed to like us, so he shows up in more than one picture.
To keep it appropriately piratey, they had little underwater dioramas.
These are the best shots that I'm showing you, too. We could either use a flash, or hope the little guys didn't move too much. Of course, they were all swimming at the time, so that tells you our odds here.
"What'cha doin'?"
"Taking a picture..."
"Can we be in it?"
"You already are!"
...and now, for your entertainment! The World's Laziest Sharks!
Yeah, I know, they're probably doing the closest they get to sleeping, but it was still a sight to see.
"What'cha doin'?"
"Taking a picture..."
That's a moray!
Okay, we're done with all the blurry fish pictures. You feel better now?
Here's a nice shot of what I'm betting is a cayman. I know they have a cayman farm to the east down the coast, so I know they're about the area. I think caymans are small, though, so it could actually be an alligator.
They also had an adorable area with weedle baby turtles! Viva tortugas!
The best shot of all the turtles, though, was a movie. Load it if you dare, it's 16 meg, but it really is cute.
Here's Martin with a cannon. Yes, I know you guys came here just to see us posing with stuff. I'll get to the scenery soon enough. To quote Martin on this picture... "When fake fiberglass cannons are outlawed, only fake fiberglass pirates will have fake fiberglass cannons."
I love the coin in the eyesocket thing here, I don't know why.
The nicest part was actually a huge cavern area where they had a little water you walked over on a bridge and a big screen on one wall where they played a repeating wave crashing on a shore. Here's the best shot we have of that area. Not awesome, but there you go.
...and in the great tradition of all good tourist traps, it leads into the gift shop. Here's a girl pirate in the latest of t-shirts showing off their fine wares of plastic swords.
We bought a little in the gift shop, unawares that the absolutely coolest pirate stuff we would see on the island would be in chi-chi little shops in the airport on our way out.