- Japanese Name: Tsukino Usagi
- N.American Name: Serena
- Birthday: June 30th
- Age: 14
- Astrological Sign: Cancer
- Blood Type: O
- Favorite Colors: Pink, white
- Likes: Eating, playing video games, reading comic books, Darien!
- Dislikes: Pop quizzes, ANY quizzes
- Hobbies: Shopping, video games, comic books
- Favorite food: All of them, but especially ice cream
- Least Favorite Food: Carrots
- Favorite Animal: Bunny rabbit
- Favorite Subject: Home economics, music
- Least Favorite Subject: Mathematics
- Strong Points: Loyal Friend
- Voice Done By: Tracey Moore (eps. 1-11, 15, 21, 41), Terri Hawkes (all others)
- School Attending: Crossroads Junior High, with Ami and Lita
- Order of Joining: Serena was the first Sailor Scout
- Home Environment: Lives with her parents and her little brother Sammy
- Nickname: (which she detests) Meatballhead
- "Pets": Luna, a black cat from the original moon kingdom
Special Powers
- Moon Power .... Ni Nare
- She says this to transform into other people
and has transformed into many different people.
- Disguise Power
- She says this to activate her Luna pen. She uses this to disguise herself as needed, to follow people (or enemies) where her normal self could not go.
- Moon Prism Power, Make Up
- She says this to transform into Sailor Moon.
- Moon Crystal Power, Make Up
- She also says this to transform into Sailor Moon.
- Moon Cosmic Power, Make Up
- Another phrase to transform into Sailor Moon.
- Crisis Make Up
- She says this to transform into Super Sailor Moon.
- Moon Eternal Make Up
- She says this to transform into Eternal Sailor Moon.
- Moon Tiara Magic
- She says this when she converts her Moon Tiara into a discus-like weapon. At first, it was capable of destroying monsters. It is now used to knock down enemies, rather than destroying them.
- Moon Tiara Action
- This is Sailor Moon's attack where she throws her tiara like a frisbee.
- Moon Tiara Stardust
- This is Sailor Moon's attack where she throws her tiara like a frisbee. But in this case the tiara only
sprays stardust on the opponent and doesn't hit them.
- Moon Sceptre Elimination
- She says this to use the power of the Moon Sceptre to eliminate her enemies.
- Sailor Moon Kick
- Moon Healing Escalation
- This is Sailor Moon's attack where she uses the moon stick to change the youma back into a
- Moon Healing Activation
- She says this when using the Cosmic Crescent Wand to convert monsters back into their original form (as normal Earth beings).
- Moon Princess Halation
- This is Sailor Moon's attack using the cutie moon rod.
- Sailor Body Attack
- This is Sailor Moon's attack where she throws her body against the opponent.
- Moon Spiral Heart Attack
- This is Sailor Moon's attack using the spiral heart moon rod.
- Double Sailor Moon Kick
- This is the attack that Sailor Moon and Sailor Chibi Moon used together against a daimon.
- Rainbow Moon Heart Ache
- This is Super Sailor Moon's attack using the spiral heart moon rod.
- Moon Gorgeous Meditation
- This is Super Sailor Moon's attack using the kaleid moon scope.
- Starlight Honeymooon Therapy Kiss
- This is Eternal Sailor Moon's attack using the eternal tier.
- Silver Moon Crystal Power Kiss
- This is Eternal Sailor Moon's attack using the moon power tier.

Serena's Picture Gallery