Interesting Factoids!!!
While teaching at the Montana State University one of his students was director John Dahl - Subsequently Dahl gave him a role in
his film Last Seduction, The (1994) (TV)
Bill has a Master of Arts in theater studies.
Although he's established in Hollywood, Bill still hasn't forgotten about his love of construction. "I love a good hardware
store," he says. Evidently so -- Bill built the California home in which he and his family currently reside. (US, August 1996,
Bill's idea of a good time is heading up to the Montana ranch that he co-owns with his brother, where among other things, they
enjoy driving cattle and baling hay.
"I hate to admit it, because it makes me sound weird," but Bill owns over 30 pairs of shoes, ranging from his workman's boots
from "While You Were Sleeping" to his dad's shoes that he wears to auditions for good luck. (People, March 11, 1996, p. 116)
Bill currently drives a Dodge pickup truck. Before, he drove a 1973 white Plymouth Valiant, which he misses -- "I liked it. I
loved driving something that was evocative." (US, August 1996, p. 77)
In his backyard, Bill grows exotic fruit trees from around the world, such as cherimoyas and jujubes. (US, August1996, p. 77)
Bill always keeps hot sauce in the refrigerator. However, he says "when you whip out the stuff, you insult the cook."
(Cosmopolitan, August 1995, p.102)