Saturday pt. 2:
Apparently we stopped at a scenic view along the way to lunchtime. I do recall we were looking for a park that turned out to be closed that day. Here's a nice scenic overlook shot, though.
But this doesn't answer the question where to go for lunch. Maybe we
should try one of those roadside stands? And what's that sign by the side of the road??
Apparently Dela owns one of the more successful roadside eateries, and for good reason. It's not just
a little cart anymore (which is probably how it started.) They had upgraded to a cargo container they put a
kitchen inside of, with a patio covering and some plastic chairs and tables. Yeah, in our modern society it
seems quaint, but most of the roadside stands we saw totally aspired to such lofty heights.
No one in the kitchen spoke English, but I happened to find a native, who works most of the time
in Florida, to explain what everything was to me. Here's a shot of part of the ordering counter. Yay folk art!
And here's what I ordered... Yes, I took a picture of it! Be surprised I didn't take a shot of EVERY meal I had. The breakdown is basically some sort of carby tuber dish, another sort
of carby tuber dish (probably yucca), and traditionally prepared meat, wrapped in something carby and tamale-like (cooked while wrapped in a palm leaf ^_^)
On our way to the next place, a nature trail in our area that actually had handicap access, we passed close by to the house. I was reminded that Puerto Ricans are very fond of statuary...
Here's one of the two Giant Heads that are at the turnoff to the house. Notice the big sign in the background for Salitre, a restaurant that you should definitely visit if you're ever on the island.
And on to the trail! Here's Martin and Karen checking it all out...
We got a few shots of the flora, although it wasn't near as cool as the stuff at Caguana...
Martin did find a cool leaf skeleton, though...
Were there lizards?? Is this Puerto Rico???
After all this, we headed home. Martin and I jumped into the water for a short time, but afterwards we got some nice shots of the area. Because you haven't seen
enough shots of the beach at the house yet. Here's a shot of Frog Rock, followed by a couple sunset shots.
Karen popped out of the house and got a couple nice sunset shots, too...
Look!! There's a plane flying RIGHT OVER THE WATER! Here it comes!! Can we get a shot of it fast enough??
We can.
But you've been missing out on the Tales of Coconut Adventure! I had gotten into a bit of a habit of stealing
all the passing coconuts from the ocean and cracking them open. Partially to see which were ripe and possibly
edible and partially because I am a Big Dangerous Coconut Hunter! Watch me as I crack them open with my Mad
Skillz! Look! I can survive on a desert island, all alone... as long as I have a slab of concrete and a big cinderblock! Notice the
tools of my trade in this next shot.
All together now... "I've got a loverly bunch of coconuts! There they are all standing in a row!"
And here I am triumphant! Holding the spoils of my Great Victory, shirt splattered with the lifeblood of my
slain quarry!
We headed into the house and what was in our room? What snuck into our upper apartment and made itself at home? What else...
Between taking it's picture and trying to get the little guy out where he's got more of a food source, we must've messed around with that guy for 15 minutes.
Tonight was also the
Festival of St. John the Baptist, one of the biggest holidays on the island. People had been out barbecuing at the beach all day. Since everyone on the island was
celebrating tonight, I wanted to go out, too. It ended up with the Michelle, Martin and I going out and Karen deciding to stay home. I also didn't want to
be an Ugly American and dressed up some for the night. Later, I was to realize I was wearing a most Unflattering Dress, but at least I wasn't out on
a holiday evening in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt.
Where did the three of us go on our last night in Arecibo? Oh, come on, you already know the answer to this. What one location
have I been pimping bigger than anywhere else?
Do you remember Friday night? When I said you'd see more of Salte', the little orange cat who seemed so shy so far? This is his night. Pretty much the rest of the
recap is All Salte', All the Time.
Here he is looking all innocent. Don't buy the act.
Here's a shot of the restuarant patio area. After the first night, we always sat on the patio, because that's where the ocean and the bats were ^_^
"I'll just join you guys at the table, where you can pet and feed me easier..."
"Where's the food? Y'all can feed me now, you know...
"Well, now, that's better."
"Why am I in this chair? All the food is on table..."
(And yes, we had all been big enough fools to draw Salte' up his own chair...) We got a bit overloaded with
having a cat on the actual dinner table, so we popped him off. He decided to get a good vantage
point for when they brought more food to us.
My friend came back! The dog I desperately wanted to take home. So of COURSE, she got food. And her picture taken...
"What?? You're feeding the DOG? When I'm here??"
"I'm going to have to do something about this..."
This next shot always makes me sad. Group shot of us on our last night at Salitre. From left to right, Luis (the owner),
Michelle, Me, Elizabeth (waitress extraordinaire) and Martin.
So, to sum up, go to Salitre! Luis will take good care of you! Right, Luis??
..and you can meet Salte'!
When you're ready, you can see Sunday, where we left Arecibo and spent a day in San Juan.