"A picture post? While on her vacation? Why in
the world would she do that?"
Because she knows darn well if she doesn't make the posts
while on vacation, they'll stack up and she'll never get around to making ANY
of them, that's why!
Yes, I'm in Canada. Calgary, Alberta to be exact. I made it fine,
Robyn and Talon are taking good good care of me. Yesterday we originally headed out to
do some geocaching, but I didn't take into account how difficult the non-urban
cache's would be to get within a mile of out here (and these were the CLOSER ones), so
it actually was a bit of a wash. We did a lot of tromping around the bush, and Rob and Tal
were very game about it. Here's some of the nice scenery we encounted.
There is water and greenery everywhere here. It reminds
me a bit of Oregon, actually.
I think Talon had the most fun while we were wandering around
failing to get even within a mile of the two caches we were out to find.
He found a garter snake and caught it so we could see it and play with it
and photograph it and all. Yay, snakes!
We had JoJo's Hamm with us, so we went ahead and got a few shots
of him enjoying the new area... Afterwards, he headed to Canadian Tire and
I got to see Canadian Tire Money ^_^ Then he headed over to Tim Horton's,
another very Canadian place I was to see!
See, Martin? Not only am I not a freak to like
my bagels buttered instead of with cream cheese, enough people
like it that way that they actually have it in a COMBO at
Nanaimo Bars! One of Robyn's favorite treats that
are hard to find elsewhere. She knew I would like them and darn it if
she wasn't right! They're all chocolatey and creamy and got bits of
coconut in! I wish we had them locally. I need to check Pastries
by Edie, they have a large variety of treats...
Next, we headed off to the pet store, because America
has such annoyingly strict rules about what you can have as a pet. I saw a lot
of things that you rarely see in American pet stores, including...Spiny Mouse!! YAYY!!
This bird seemed to have gotten an understanding that many
American stars have as well. If you're beautiful, you don't have to be
friendly. Being pretty is enough.
This guy was very sweet and friendly to me! Crawled all over
me and only got whiny when I tried to put him away. If I had bought a bird
here, it would have been him.
Meanwhile, Robyn was also making friends. Turns out
at least this pet store, not sure if it's all of them, has a large section
of animals where you can just pet and hold and such. It was very nice.
Unfortunately, right after this a Pet Nazi came up and
said A: You can't let the parrots on your shoulders and B: You can't take
ANY photos of the pets, it bothers them. I said, well, I'll just make
sure the flash is always off. But no, it seems the pets somehow psychically
sense when you're taking a picture, even with no flash and a
digital camera. No Photos Whatsoever!! Okay, thanks, ma'am, I'll make it a point
that you don't SEE me taking any more pictures.
Therefore I had to be way more careful when
getting shots of the degus. This is the best I got. You know how difficult
it is to get a good rodent shot when they're so wiggly, muchless when
you can't visibly aim the camera. Still, circumstances and all, I think
it turned out halfway decent.
At one point I tried to pet some koi, but they
would have none of it. I also tried to pet some cichlids, but they
are bitey little bastards! So we wandered through the fish area and
I got a picture of electric blue lobsters! I also petted a lobster later,
but didn't get a picture of him. Talon also fed a couple loose crickets
to the ravenous toothy little cichlids. And Robyn seemed to attract fish
wherever she went. Fish Like Robyn ^_^
That's a moray! Actually, that's three or four morays in
a little tunnel.